
Did you know that women can get hernias too? Although, not often made public information to women, women can develop a hernia, or a pelvic organ prolapse (POP), which is a hernia of the vagina and is caused by weakening of the vaginal tissues. You may hear your doctor use these terms when she talks about POP: cystocele, a dropped vagina.

A cystocele occurs when the wall between the bladder and the vagina weakens, leading the bladder to sag from its normal place into the vagina. Of course this can cause discomfort as well as urine leakage when making any movement that puts pressure on the bladder, such as a cough or laugh. A cystocele can range from being mild to more severe.

How do I know if I have a Cystocele?

If you have felt something strange sticking out beyond the opening of the vagina, have felt something odd or in the way during sexual intercourse, have urinated and felt like something is causing your urine stream to be obstructed, then you may have a Cystocele.

How did I get a Cystocele?

Imagine yourself with your two best girlfriends: you do everything together and have shared the good and the bad together. However, one thing you won’t share is developing a cystocele. This is because only one out of every three women will have a cystocele at some point in their lifetime. The good news is that as one person out of your group of 3 friends could potentially develop a cystocele, this is obviously a very common occurrence and is highly treatable.

Cystoceles often develop as an aftereffect from vaginal childbirths. As we age, the vagina muscles that used to be strong and bounced back easily from the strains and stress of childbirth, begin to grow weaker. As these muscles weaken, other organs have greater ability to droop lower and eventually can fall into the vagina.

What are the treatments for Cystocele?

Having a cystocele can cause insecurities leading to a lower quality of life. We understand this. We know that you want your body to function like it always has and we want you to move and act with confidence. At the office of Dr. Alvarez and Dr. Padron, our doctors offer many forms of treatment such as No-Mesh Pelvic Prolapse surgery, native tissue repairs, daVinci Robotic prolapse surgery, and even vaginal synthetic augmentations in the case of distinct situations. The most important thing to remember when seeking treatment, is that you do what is best for you, at your age, and for your lifestyle. Remember, this is about you, so seek out many opinions and feel confident in your decision.